Kerrie ( Hemiplegic Stroke )

Meet Kerrie, an extraordinary mother of four, whose life took an unexpected turn when she suffered a hemiplegic stroke during her routine laps in the pool.

Kerrie's journey is a testament to the remarkable power of determination and the unwavering support of a dedicated team. From a place where the simple acts of walking and talking once felt like distant dreams, Kerrie's progress has been nothing short of miraculous. She has not only conquered a parkrun/walk but also embarked on a heartfelt visit to her son in London.

Foot Faults had the privilege of being a part of Kerrie's inspiring journey. Our dedicated team utilised cutting-edge techniques, including video and pressure gait analysis, to identify and address deficits in her rehabilitation process.

Through targeted lower limb strengthening, balance training, and functional movements on the antigravity treadmill, we had the privilege of witnessing Kerrie regain her independence, one step at a time.

A heartfelt thanks extends to the stroke team at the PA Hospital, who played a pivotal role in saving her life. As well as her allied health team, whose tireless efforts paved the way for her remarkable progress before we became involved. This journey was truly a collaborative effort. Keep moving forward, Kerrie, and continue to show the world the boundless possibilities of the human spirit!


Simon (Multiple Sclerosis)