Shin Splints
Although more common in runners and athletes, almost anyone can develop pain due to Shin Splints. Not only are they painful; they also get in the way of your daily activity - which can be super annoying, especially for people who like to stay active.
If you’re suffering from shin splints, our expert team of Podiatrists can help. They will design an effective customised treatment plan to get you pain free and back to the activities you love
Just the term "Shin Splints" sounds painful, but what exactly is it?
Shin splits is a condition causing pain along the length of the shinbone, between the knee and the ankle. It is also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome.
Although the exact cause is unknown, it is thought that Shin Splints occur when tendons and muscles that attach to the shinbone pull on the bone creating inflammation.
The most common reason for this pain is overuse. Runners, and people who play high-impact sports, are particularly prone to this injury. This is because repeated impacts from running, or sudden changes in position (like in football and tennis), can overload the bone, tendons, and muscles, leading to inflammation and pain.
Shin splints often occur when people exercise too hard or train beyond their current level of fitness. They are also more likely when people train in the wrong running shoes, or if they have flat feet.
Shin splints are a relatively minor condition in the early stages. However, if left untreated they can result in severe damage to the shin. Small cracks can appear in the shin bone and develop into serious stress fractures.
For most people, the first sign that they have Shin Splints is muscle pain in the shin. You could also experience a dull ache in the front of the leg or slight swelling. Occasionally people experience numbness in the feet, although this is less common.
When you need relief from the pain of shin splints, a Podiatrist can help you.
At Foot Faults, we use a combination of treatment types includeing short term treatments to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as methods to reduce load, and strengthen your legs. This not only treats the pain caused by Shin Splints, but also helps prevent the condition from coming back.
Short term pain relief
Podiatrists help to manage and reduce pain using icing, massage, stretches and by prescribing modified activities.
Reducing load through the legs
Podiatrists use a variety of methods to reduce the load transmitted through your legs. Taping (strapping) is used to support the lower leg and footwear is assessed to ensure your wearing the right shoes for your foot type. Your podiatrist will also let you know if you might benefit from custom orthotics or cutting down on specific, high-impact training methods.
Finally, podiatrists provide graduated activity programs to strengthen the tissue in your lower legs and prevent the shin splints from returning. If the way that you walk is causing issues, they can also offer gait retraining.