Shockwave Therapy.
Kick-start your injury recovery.
This groundbreaking technology uses acoustic waves to stimulate blood flow and accelerate healing.
Shockwave therapy is non-invasice treatment whereby a high intensity sound wave is transmitted through the skin to underlying anatomical structures.
It speeds up healing by stimulating blood flow to injured areas. This helps to increase tissue repair and reduce pain.
Our Podiatrists use this cutting-edge technology to treat a full range of Foot and Leg injuries including Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, Knee pain and Shin Splints.
Shockwave Therapy has been proven to be very effective, especially for conditions which are difficult to treat or slow to heal.
It is perfect if you have an injury which is still painful, despite treatments such as ice, stretching, exercises, shoe changes and orthotics.
Most importantly, it can help prevent the need for extended periods of rest or immobilisation, cortisone injections and surgery.
We love Shockwave therapy because it doesn’t require any anaesthetic and has very few negative side effects.
It is relatively pain-free, and you can return to work straight after your treatment.
Depending on your condition, you may be able to continue to exercise whilst seeking treatment.
Many of our clients report feeling better straight after their treatment, or within a few hours or days.
They continue to improve following further sessions.
Your Podiatrist may recommend Shockwave Therapy after assessing your injury in an initial appointment.
The Shockwave Therapy is performed by your Podiatrist. Each session is 30 minutes long and $129.
This service is available at our Holland Park West and Newmarket clinics.
All Shockwave Therapy appointments are eligible for Private Health Fund Rebates. Your rebate amount depends on your level of cover.
Foot Faults is a Preferred Provider for Medibank, Bupa and HCF, which means members enjoy larger rebates +/- discounted fees on their appointments and services.
Most Podiatry appointments are not eligible for Medicare rebates.
If you have an eligible Medicare Referral, you can get a rebate for this service through medicare. This can be used as a part-payment for Shockwave Therapy.
A GP referral is not required for Podiatry appointments.
If you think you may be eligible for a GP Chronic Disease Referral, please visit your GP prior to your appointment.