Skin and Nails Appointment.
Time to put your feet up.
If you have a condition affecting your toenails, or the skin of your legs or feet, this appointment is for you.
During this appointment, your Podiatrist will ask you questions and perform a comprehensive examination, to identify the cause of your issue.
They will then work with you to develop a treatment plan designed to best manage your condition.
Initial = 30 mins
Follow up = 20 mins
This appointment is eligible for Private Health Fund Rebates. Your rebate amount depends on your level of cover.
Foot Faults is a Preferred Provider for Medibank, Bupa and HCF, which means members enjoy bigger rebates +/- discounted fees on their appointments and services.
Click here to read more about health fund rebates and requesting a quote.
Most Podiatry appointments are not eligible for Medicare rebates.
If you have an eligible Medicare Referral, it can be used as a part payment.
A GP referral is not required for Podiatry appointments.
If you think you may be eligible for a GP Chronic Disease Referral, please visit your GP prior to your appointment.
What to expect,
at your first appointment.