Fungal Toenails
Are your toenails thick, discolored or crumbly? You could have a fungal nail infection.
Fungal toenail infections are common. If you have one, your toenail may change colour and become thickened or brittle. As well as changing the way your nail looks they can also be uncomfortable. Our expert Podiatrists treat fungal nails every day, they use effective fungal nail treatment techniques to help ensure your nails get back to looking their best, in the shortest possible time.
Fungal toenails (onychomycosis) are caused by an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. Feet are an ideal place for fungi to grow, as they thrive in warm, moist places.
The infection can spread to other toenails and if left untreated the thickened nails can become difficult to trim and make walking painful when wearing shoes. People often feel embarrassed about the way their nails look, avoiding certain shoes or activities such as swimming or going to the beach.
Fungal infections change the way your toenails look. You might notice white spots or stripes on the nail, or the whole nail may turn white, yellow or brown. As the infection worsens fungal toenails often become thicker and rougher, or the edges of the nail become crumbly. The nail may even separate from the nail bed. We often see fungal nails that are causing pain and discomfort.
If you have diabetes, it is very important to see your Podiatrist as soon as symptoms appear. A toenail infection can cause complications.
Fungal Nail Infections are notoriously tricky to treat. However, the earlier professional treatment is started, the greater chance of success.
Our expert Podiatrists first confirm the diagnosis of Fungal nail infections by examining your feet and nails. Some thickened and distorted toenails are caused by other conditions, such as pressure from footwear, an injury, or skin conditions such as psoriasis. These conditions require different treatments.
If you do have a fungal nail your Podiatrist will discuss with you the best treatment option based on the specific type of fungal nail infection you have. Treatment is then commenced during your appointment.